“Growing up I was always the good Christian girl. I did well in school, I was involved in church, and I was a good daughter. I thought all was well with me and Jesus; I loved Him and served Him. But, when I went to college and no longer had people holding together who I was, I found that I was carrying a lot of brokenness.
During my college years the Lord was gracious to show me the bondage I was walking in. During those years I wrestled with issues of codependency, identity, and movements of depression. I didn’t realize how much I placed my identify and worth in other people. I was constantly striving for approval, fearing rejection, and worked so hard to belong. I did not know how to truly be myself and I was always afraid that people would leave me. I often felt isolated, lonely, depressed and worried.
When I began surrendering my brokenness and the things that held me in bondage to Jesus, I began to find true freedom. He began to show me the riches of the identity I have in Him! I finally found a place where I belonged and did not have to strive.
Jesus helped me to let people into my life to shoulder my burdens with me. He helped me to allow people into my heart so I no longer had to fight through life alone. In Him I found who I truly am and the worth He has given me.”